Give me space. Stop shining


Thursday, September 01, 2005

1st sept

On this day, i want to thank the teachers who stars in a special chapter of my life. Their grace, warmth, generosity, dogged determination and enthusiasm for learning inspires me and i try to emulate them. On the other hand, i will remember some of them for their petty, fickle, indifferent, senile and inconsiderate behaviour, with it the sense of loss, futility and betrayal i felt at times. No one is perfect and gone are the days when teachers are held up as role model. I have learnt that life can't be viewed in black and white terms, and i try to emulate the good traits while avoiding the bad. In fact i see the closeted environment of the school as a microscopic model of the larger society. People are the same everywhere, you have to learn to take the good along with the bad. What makes the difference is the way you react to them and learning when to just let it go. I left school with a more enlightened view on life and i can't give the teachers enought credit for that. And so...

Thank you Teachers! Happy Teachers Day!


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