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Friday, July 01, 2005

war of the worlds

I just watched War of the Worlds. The night before I saw Signs and comparing these 2 alien themed movies, i prefer the latter. War of the Worlds has some hopping robots and niffy lasers in term of effects, beyond that nothing much. Signs has no special effects to talk about, but it is very effective in terms of suspense and made me jupmed a few times. Both movies featured disenchanted male lead, annoying daughter and the token disaffected young male.
War has a high body count, but i just can't feel anything for the characters.
Probably because of the mood i was in during the movie. I didn't plan on watching the movie, partly because i was turned off by Cruise's recent antics. A spur of the moment decision really, 5 mins before i left office. A lousy day at work, tasks piling high. I felt like i was being buried alive, the atmosphere was suffocating, my head was like a leaden weight. I needed to give myself a break and pamper myself a little so dragged my ass to the theatres and pick a show.
The ending is a bit of a letdown, just like Signs's was. The show was not that great but it was a tune-out session for me and i do feel a little better. And oh yes, the trailer for Peter Jackson's King Kong was played before the movie. One word, bizarre.


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