Give me space. Stop shining


Thursday, April 28, 2005

What do you do when you check into a hotel room?

turn on all the lights

put DND sign on the door

put the luggage on the table

turn the tv on

check the bedsheets to see if they are clean ones

take off shoes and put on slippers

open up the cupboards and drawers to see if they are empty as should be

check the bathroom for toiletries supplies and fill up the bathtub

look thru the window at the scenery and look for any landmarks to visit

soak in bath tub. can be dangerous at high altitude..i went to this place which was 3000m above sea level and i got a nose bleed after bathing.

lie down on bed and channel surf. I like to see the local advertisements for they can tell you what the local culture is like.

Look at the room service menu



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